Questions & Answers

How do I create and send a new questionnaire?

First log in to the Webtool. Then click on your name at the top right to go to My environment.

  1. Via My respondents you can add your colleagues to whom you want to send a questionnaire
  2. You can then create a new questionnaire via My questionnaires
  3. When you save this you can select the added respondents and send an invitation
As a company administrator, I also want to complete the questionnaire. How do I do that?

Go to the questionnaire that you want to complete yourself. KIick + Respondent. You will then be taken to the list of all respondents from your organization. This also includes your own e-mail address. Select your email address and click Add selection at the bottom. In the overview of the respondents who are linked to the questionnaire you can now copy your personal link via the "switch icon".

Is the calculation tool for the number of respondents mandatory or can I deviate from it?

The calculation tool is not mandatory for the SAQ Extended. This gives an indication of the number of respondents required for a realistic picture. When you become certified, the auditor determines the number of people to be interviewed.

The calculation tool is mandatory for the SAQ Compact because this questionnaire is mandatory for the Approved Self Assessment audit form. In this way, the auditors can test whether the SAQ has been used and deployed correctly.

Do the different job levels (executive/management) also get different questions?

In the SAQ Compact, the questions are split by type of employee. There are 12 questions for operational employees. There are 28 questions for management/direction.

Do the added respondents automatically receive an invitation to complete the questionnaire?

No, you have to do this manually. Go to the questionnaire and click on the respondents you want to invite. Click on the Send invitation button at the bottom. You can then edit and send the email.

Some employees in my company have difficulty filling out the questionnaire. How can I provide the questions with an explanation?

If employees have difficulty with the questions, you can briefly explain what is meant. To do this, go to the questionnaire and click on View the questionnaire on the right. Via the button Explanation you can fill in something per question.

Give some examples that they recognize. You can of course also answer the questions individually first and then discuss them with each other. For example, by organizing a workshop together or by discussing it with multiple disciplines from within the company. By holding such sessions, employees come back with richer images. And this reinforces safety awareness.

When do I choose the SAQ Compact or the SAQ Extended?

Completing a self-evaluation (Self Assessment) is an essential step that is required for (certification on) the SCL. Two types of self-evaluation are available:

  • SAQ Compact (short, simple version)
  • SAQ Extended (extended version)
Audit format SAQ Compact
Contains 12 questions for operational staff, 28 questions for management/direction.
SAQ Extended
Comprehensive version. Selection of questions based on the selected step. Contains 233 questions on the highest step.
Approved Self Assessment You must use this version with the Approved Self-Assessment. You may not use this version with the Approved Self-Assessment.
SCL Light You are allowed to use this version with the SCL Light. You are allowed to use this version with the SCL Light.
SCL You are allowed to use this version with the SCL. You are allowed to use this version with the SCL.
SCL Original You are allowed to use this version with the SCL Original. You are allowed to use this version with the SCL Original.
Respondents are notified that the deadline has passed. How do I open the questionnaire again?

Go to the relevant questionnaire. Then click on Edit  next to the title of the questionnaire. Enter a date in the future in the Last response date. When you save this, the questionnaire will be opened up to respondents again.

Can I restore a deleted questionnaire?

No that is impossible.

Where can I view the scoring per answer?

For the SAQ Compact, the scoring is as follows:

  • Points are not used here, but percentages of the most chosen answer. This way you can quickly see which part of the total number of respondents has chosen a certain statement.
  • The answer “Not applicable” is not counted in the score.

The scoring for the SAQ Extended can be found in the certification scheme of the Safety Culture Ladder. The scoring differs per answer given.

  • With the answer "I don't know" you score 0 points
Can't import respondents - how do I fix this?

To import the file this has to be validated conform the import structure. 

  • The file format is Excel (.xlsx or .xls) or .CSV (.csv or .txt). 
  • The file contains the following colums:
    • Surname
    • Emailadres (without spaces!)
    • Functionlevel contains operations or management (without capital).
    • Location I.e. when there is only one location, you can define "main office". 
    • Department

The most common mistakes are made on the following datafields. 

  • Emailadres: check if there are spaces left in the emailadres. These occurs errors. 
  • Functionlevel: only operations or management are mandatory (without capitals).
How do I determine for which step I am going to fill in the questionnaire?

In the SAQ Compact questions are asked about the different steps. This means that you do not have to determine in advance for which step you are going to fill in the questionnaire. The outcome of the list provides insight into which themes you need to work on in order to take a step further with regard to behavior and culture.

For the SAQ Extended it is required that you choose in advance for which step you are going to fill in the questionnaire. The result of the list gives an indication of that specific step.